In the Mood for Magic

So for 2018 I am switching things up a bit –

For one, I always set small, but mighty, personal resolutions, that, for one reason or another, consistently carry themselves from one year to the next, never getting quite ‘resolved’.

For now, I like to think of those goals as projects, not New Years Resolutions. I mean a resolution can be whatever you want it to be really, but I like set goals that can be achieved in a years time as well as personal goals that span over a longer period of time. In fact, for 2018, I set a select, few goals for myself, however my main objective is to read more books!!

So of course, as my first task on January 1, 2018, I took a delightful trip to Barnes and Noble and browsed the shelves for hours (it was amazing) to look for the perfect book to sink my teeth into.

My selection: The Magicians by Lev Grossman.

So as I sit here, on day two, January 2, 2018, content and with a good book, I was thinking it would be fun for me to post what I am reading a few times a month (and if it is any good)!

I don’t like to speak for anyone else, but frankly, the older I get the harder it is for me to, one, find time and two, to actually pick up a book that I am interested in reading beyond the first chapter… I am hoping that some of my suggestions will help those who are struggling with this as well.

By the way, I am only on the first chapter of the Magicians, but it’s really good so far – I am ready to go home and read even more.

So for now – cheers to the New Year! Pick up a book and expand your horizons, get lost in a different world or just spend some time daydreaming about places you have never been, no matter the choice, remember to start of 2018 with the right choice for you. Until next time….

9 responses to “In the Mood for Magic

  1. Try the library instead. You can take more chances and find lots of hidden gems in the stacks. You can also travel to different libraries and see the sights! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Seconding the library recommendation. It’s not the same as browsing through a book store or stacks, but finding out that my local library network does ebook loans made a huge impact in how much I’ve been reading.

    Liked by 2 people

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